Piran, Slovenia

24 hours in Piran

As first-time visitors to Piran, what immediately struck us was how it felt more Italian than the towns we’d passed through/stayed in during our travels around Slovenia. […]


Levada walking on Madeira

Our introduction to walking on Madeira came as a punch-in-the-gut shock. We knew some routes on the Floating Garden of the Atlantic had become extremely popular at certain times of the year, but not the São Lourenço Peninsula. […]


Food along the Camino de Santiago

The first thing anyone needs to know about the food along the Camino de Santiago is, what that food consists of could vary depending on which route a pilgrim follows. There are numerous routes, starting in Spain, France, and Portugal. For the sake of keeping this simple and not overly lengthy, I’m concentrating purely on dishes with a robust link to Galicia. […]

Travel Talk

What do locals think about tourists?

A thought struck me as I tootled along behind a visiting driver enjoying the scenery at under 40mph in a 60mph zone. Apart from when I lived in Manchester and Stockport, I’ve always lived in places that were popular tourist destinations. This has covered four different countries. […]